How to create Facebook form

In Ad Manager, while creating the Ad Campaign and selecting objective of Leads allows you to create or select the Facebook Form. 

How to create new Facebook Form?

  1. Go to Marketing > Ads Manager
  2. Click on the dropdown and click on New Facebook Form or select the existing form
  3. Add the name of Facebook form

  1. Select the option - More Volume and Higher Intent - Difference is that Higher Intent adds a review step to view the information for people to confirm

  1. Next step is Greetings to allow the people know why they should complete your form and any relevant details. There are option to add Headline (required field) and add the paragraph or list.

  1. Following step has Questions option 
  • - User can add the description
  • - There are option to select the type of information you need to collect from people [ This will help you understand if the contact is good or not]
  • - For custom question, there are option to create short description and multiple choice questions to share the information which is more

  1. Allow Form Field Mapping - this allows users to map the forms fields to contact fields in FG Funnels. This allows in form submission to view each field answers and also it showcases in the contact is they are mapped in.

  1. Next form step is adding privacy policy - Add landing page link of your privacy policy of business or you could make a copy of the privacy policy of LeadConnector (

  1. Next step is message for the lead after completing the form, the form provides option to add headline, description, call to action like taking them to a website or call directly.

  1. Save the form to go and get the ad objective for Lead Generation