How to Invite Members to Your Community Group Using an Email Invite Link

This guide is intended for community Admins and Owners who want to invite individuals to their Group using the email invitation feature. This feature streamlines the process of inviting people to your Group via email, facilitating better collaboration within your group.

How to Send an Invite Link via Email to Invite Someone to a Specific Community Group.

Important Note: Do not use this invite option for a "Paid" community group. This will allow people to bypass the checkout, where they would usually setup their membership subscription for your community group.

  1. Go to Memberships on the left side menu.
  2. Click on Communities at the top.
  3. Click on the Login button for the community group you want to invite them to.
  4. If prompted, create a password and, set up your avatar for the community group if required.
  5. Click on Invite Members on the right side of the page.
  6. Enter the name and email address of the person you want to invite.
  7. Toggle on administrative privileges if needed for team members or service providers on your FG Funnels account.
  8. Click on Send Invite.
  9. The email invite will be sent to the recipient.
  10. The recipient can click on the accept invite button in the email to accept the invite.
  11. The recipient will set up a password, add a bio, and an image. Once completed, they can access the community area to post, comment, and like.

Invitation Flow

Once the invitation is sent, the recipient will receive an email, and will experience one of the scenarios below:

Scenario A: User Has Never Signed Up or Is Not Part of the Client Portal

  • If the recipient has never signed up for your client portal before, they will see an "Accept Invite" button in the email.
  • Clicking this button will redirect them to a "Set Password" page, where they can create their new password, and automatically be logged in to the community group.

Scenario B: User Is Already a Member with Login Credentials

  • If the recipient is already a member with login credentials, clicking the "Accept Invite" button will instantly redirect them to the community group using a magic link, to automatically log them in.

Important Note: The invitation link included in the email will expire after 30 days for security reasons. Ensure that the recipient accepts the invitation within this timeframe.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs )

Q: Who can use the email invitation feature?

A: The email invitation feature is available to Admins and Owners of the community group.

Q: Can I invite multiple people at once using this method?

A: No, if you want to add multiple people to the community group all at once. We recommend using a workflow and the "Grant Group Access" action within the workflow.

Q: How can I revoke an invitation if necessary?

A: Yes, you can. You would login to the community group > go to the "Members" tab at the top > Go to the "Invited" section > Click the 3 dots to the right of the contact you want to cancel the invite for.

Q: What happens if the recipient does not accept the invitation within 30 days?

A: The invitation link included in the email expires after 30 days. If the recipient does not accept within this timeframe, you will need to resend the invitation.

Q: Can I customize the invitation email message?

A: Currently, the email invitation message is standardized and cannot be customized.

Q: Can I grant admin privileges to the invited member later if I initially choose not to?

A: Yes, as an Admin, you can modify member roles and grant admin privileges at any time after the invitation is accepted.