Contact Type

Contact Types are like categories, labels, or groups you allocate to your contacts for easier and more useful sorting and differentiation. Though each account has Lead and Customer pre-loaded, Contact Types can be customized to suit your business needs.

In this article:

Assigning Contact Type

Contact can have only one Type at a time.

  • When creating a new contact, Contact type is a mandatory field with a dropdown to choose from the existing types.
  • For an existing contact, the Contact Type can be updated on the contact details page
  • Contact type can be assigned from the "Update Contact" action in Workflows.

Contact Type for Existing Contact

Adding, Renaming, or Deleting Contact Types

Navigate to Settings > Custom Fields and search for "Contact Type" and click "Edit"

Selecting Contact Type to Edit

Editing Contact Type Options

Filtering Based on Contact Type

Use the "Type" filter under More Filters in Contacts to effectively create and save different filter views for different contact types.

Filtering by Contact Type in Contacts