How to Check Your Instagram Profile Type

The social media features in FG Funnels only work if you have a Creator profile or a Business profile. They will not work with a personal profile. If you’re not sure what type of Instagram profile you have, here’s how to find out:

  1. In the Instagram app, go to your profile, and then select the settings menu in the top right of the screen.
  2. Look for Account Types and Tools, Creator Tools and Controls, or Business Tools and Controls. If you have a personal profile, you can select account type and tools in order to switch to a Business or Creator profile.
    1. Personal profiles show the Account Tools and Types option.

      Account Type and Tools on a Personal Instagram Profile

    2. Creator profiles show the Creator Tools and Controls option

      Creator Tools and Controls on Instagram

    3. Business profiles show the Business Tools and Controls option.

      Business Tools and Controls on Instagram