Custom Meta Tags

You can add custom meta tags to funnel and website pages by clicking SEO Meta Data icon at the top of the builder. These tags are used by search engines to convey information and instructions to the search engine. 

For reference, here is a list of meta tags Google supports:

For example: you can use the following meta tag to tell search engines not to index a particular page by naming a new custom meta tag "robots" and the content as "noindex" as shown in the video below.

  • From Sites -> Funnels/Websites, navigate to the funnel or website that has the page you want to add the meta tag too.
  • Click on the page and click edit to open the page builder.
  • Look for the SEO meta data icon in the top left toolbar (looks like a sheet of paper with a magnifying glass).

    SEO Meta Data Icon Circled

  • Click on the icon to open the SEO meta data panel.
  • Click to open the Links and Tags panel.

    Links and Tags Settings Circled

  • In the Links and tags panel, find the option for custom meta tags.
  • Click on add button to create a new meta tag.

    Add Custom Meta Tag button circled

  • Enter the name (e.g., robots) and content (e.g., no index) for the specific instruction.

    Add custom meta tag info box

  • Click add to save the custom meta tag.
  • Update the SEO metadata at the bottom of the panel to apply the changes.

    Update SEO meta button

  • Save and publish the page to ensure the custom meta tag is active.