Disabling Search Engines From Indexing Your Website / Funnel Page Using a Custom Tag

This article goes over how to prevent Google and other search engines from indexing specific pages, whether it's a funnel page, or a page on your website.

How to Prevent Google from Indexing a Page

  1. Click on the SEO metadata at the top of the page.
  2. Click on "Links and Tags" on the left side.

    Under "Custom Meta Tags," click the plus add button.

    Enter the information from the Google article provided here [ https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/block-indexing ]:

    • For blocking a majority of search engines:
      • Meta name: robots
      • Content: no index

        For specifically telling just Google not to index the page:

      • Meta name: googlebot
      • Content: noindex
  3. Click "Add" to add the custom meta tag.
  4. Click "Update SEO Meta."
  5. Click "Save" if the page has not been published yet, or click "Publish" if it's a live page.

Allowing Time for Indexing

  • It takes time for search engines such as Google to crawl the page after you apply the no-index tag.
  • There is no way to force Google to crawl a page immediately; it depends on Google's algorithm.
  • There is no way to expedite Google's crawling process.

Click here if you want to access the article shown in the video above.

To prevent most search engine web crawlers from indexing a page:

Name: robots

Content: noindex

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

To prevent only Google web crawlers from indexing a page:

Name: googlebot

Content: noindex

<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex">