Funnel Paths

There are 3 levels of path associated with any funnel. Paths are referring to what comes after the / in a URL. This is what indicates what page on a website should load.

  • Funnel URL --> This is the URL dedicated for a funnel which can be configured from the Settings. This will always load the first step in the funnel.

If the Funnel Path URL is the same as any step URL or page URL with the same domain, the step or page URL will have a string of numbers added at the end to prevent duplicate paths. In order to adjust this, find the path without the numbers and change it to be a different path, then go back and remove the numbers from the correct path and save.

Funnel Path Highlighted

  • Step URL --> Each Step has an URL associated with it to load its respective page. Can be configured from Publishing tab. Generally this is the URL you will want to send to others.

Step Path Highlighted

  • Page URL --> This is very useful with A/B testing. This assigns a specific URL to each page/version for the split test. The individual page path can be configured from the Gear icon beside the Edit page button which opens the Settings modal for the page.

    For A/B testing, you will publish the step URL (shown above) as the link to your funnel step. On a user clicking the link, FG Funnels will recognize the step and based on traffic migration and split will load either the control page URL or the variation page URL, essentially directing to one of the page URLS.

    Do NOT use the individual page URL for A/B testing as this will send everyone to one version of the page.

    Page Path Links in A/B Testing

    Page Path Details Box