Glossary Of Common Terms

If you're new to funnels, marketing software, or just new to FG Funnels - you may be noticing some terms around here that are new to you. 

Here is a glossary of terms you will see a lot in FG Funnels University and mentioned by our team.


Automation - This is the feature in FG Funnels that brings all the other pieces together. Our automations are built visually using workflows, and allow you to set a trigger (or multiple triggers), that sets off a series of actions without manual input from a human. These are things like having a purchase as a trigger that then tags the contact according to what they purchased, sends them an email with a link to access the purchase, and moves them from "lead" to "customer" in your opportunity pipeline.

Assessments - This is a feature in the membership area that allows you to add assessments (a.k.a. quizzes, exams, tests, etc) to your course products. There is now also the option to set up offline assessments that students upload and then you as the instructor can manually grade.

Attribution - This is how we track traffic to determine which of our marketing efforts offer the most potential and areas for growth. In FG Funnels, each contact's record lists their First Attribution and Latest Attribution. You can also see a broad overview across contacts under Reporting > Attribution Reports.


Batch or Batches - Sending bulk emails in drip mode, as we advise for deliverability, splits up the list you are sending to into smaller groups - called batches - and sends them at the interval you set (ex. batches of 100, every 5 minutes).

Bulk Action - These are actions you take on multiple contacts at once. For example, adding contacts to a workflow, adding a tag to multiple contacts, importing contacts, exporting, sending an email to multiple contacts, etc. 


Campaigns - Campaigns are emails that are ready to be sent from the Email Builder area. You can create Templates to quickly create Campaigns, and can create a new Campaign from a previous Campaign. **This glossary term gets a special note because you may occasionally hear it in reference to a now deprecated feature from FG Funnels' beginnings - before Workflows, our automations were built with features under Automations called Triggers and Campaigns. However, Workflows came along and combined those two features into one, made it more user-friendly, as well as adding a whole lot more functionality. 

Custom Fields - These are custom form/survey questions and data fields you can create to use in Forms, Surveys, and Workflows. You can create them within the Form or Survey builders, or by going to Settings > Custom Fields.

Custom Values - These are variables that allow you to re-use data in multiple places and easily update that data across all of those places by simply updating the value itself. There are custom variables built into the system, these are the items you can select in the Email Builder that display wrapped in double curly braces. You can also create your own Custom Values under Settings > Custom Values.


Domain - Essentially an address you purchase and can own to connect to your websites or funnels so they can be easily found on the Internet. Ex.


Email Builder - This is where you go to create emails for broadcasts or templates to pull into workflow email actions. It includes a visual builder so you can create layouts that best suit your email campaigns, or you can use an outside HTML email builder and paste the code into the Email Builder in your FG Funnels account.


Funnels - When we talk about funnels, we are referring to the customer journey that people enter into from the point of first becoming a lead in broad pool of leads, to the smaller group of people who then turn into purchasers, to the then smaller group of people who go on to purchase higher ticket offer.


Gamification - This is a method of incorporating elements of game playing (e.g. point scoring, competition with others, rules of play) into your marketing to help increase engagement (and fun!) Technically speaking, in FG Funnels it means using things like custom numeric fields in workflows to keep tracking of lead/customer actions and then have those set up to automatically reward them for engagement.


Headline Element - This is a type of text element in the builder that uses heading 1 tags for SEO. There are also subheadline elements, so you can custom select other heading element sizes.

Hero Image - In web design, hero image is a term for a type of oversized, often full-width banner image that appears at the top of a website.


Location / Location ID - This is a term you may sometimes hear our team use to refer to your account in FG Funnels. Your Location ID is more specifically a unique code that helps us quickly identify your account internally. You can find your Location ID in your account by going to Settings (left menu) > Business Info > your account's Location ID will be listed in the Company Data box at the top of the page.


Math Operation Action - An action within Workflows that enables you to perform math operations. This one, in addition with the custom Numeric Field opens up a lot of lead scoring and gamification possibilities.

Memberships - The part of the FG Funnels system that hosts courses, membership offers, and digital downloads under a single library.


Numeric Field - A type of custom field that can be used to store numbers. This one, in addition with the Math Operation Action in Workflows opens up a lot of lead scoring and gamification possibilities.


Opportunities - The leads/contacts in a pipeline in the CRM. New leads can be added as an opportunity to a pipeline from within workflows, and their pipeline stage changes can also be updated from within workflows, helping you automate oversight of your marketing efforts or service processes.


Pipeline - Pipelines are a way of tracking opportunities in your CRM through the stages of your lead/customer journey. You can set up completely custom pipelines with stages that suit your project/product's needs, and connect these pipelines to your account's dashboard for an overview at-a-glance. 


Q&A - Question and answer. This is another way we sometimes refer to our tech support calls that are hosted on Zoom and streamed into the FG Funnels Facebook group, since these calls are conducted in a question and answer format.


Reputation (email, deliverability) - Reputation in regards to email refers to the sending reputation that your SMTP sending domain and IP address have. There are a wide variety of factors that go into email deliverability, but they all come down to what impacts sending reputation.

Reputation (Google reviews, left menu) - Requires already having Google My Business account set up for your business and integrated with your FG Funnels account. Enables you to easily set up a review request link, set up a custom review request SMS, send review requests, and see reviews.

Reporting - The Reporting tab in the left menu in your FG Funnels account provides access to an overview of various reports, sorted by tabs along the top of the page. Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Attribution Reporting (Conversion or Source), Call Reporting, Agent Reporting, and Appointment Reporting.


Smart List - Smart lists are how you can segment your contact list in FG Funnels into segmented lists. Smart lists are called smart because they update dynamically, based on the filters you select. Make sure you watch our Best Practices video on Smart Lists to learn how to set up your Base Smart List. This can then be duplicated and added to for further, more segmented lists.

SMTP - This stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is the service you use to send emails through FG Funnels. Our in-house SMTP option that we recommend is FGF Mail. 

SLO - Self-Liquidating Offer. This is a type of offer that is priced low enough to be irresistible and high enough to cover traffic/hosting/admin costs to create and market the offer. 


Tags - A tag is a simple way of labeling a contact for internal tracking or segmentation purposes. A common example is applying a "product - purchased" tag in a purchase workflow. Tags, in combination with smart lists, allow you to keep your leads and customers neatly organized.

Triggers - Triggers are the first step in a Workflow. They are the action that happens first, outside of the workflow, that then kicks off the rest of the actions in that workflow. (You may occasionally hear this term referring to a legacy feature, apart from workflows that was known as Triggers. However, this is now deprecated, as it was replaced by Workflows.)

Trigger Links - These are links you can create, link to a workflow as a trigger step, and send to contacts. Then when a contact clicks the Trigger Link, it will set off the following actions in that workflow. An example is sending out an email with 3 trigger links to different topics your audience may be interested in, then having those link clicks add particular tags to their contact record, so if they express interest in Topic A, they get tagged with "topic a".


Usability - This refers to the consideration of how a website, funnel, or customer process feels for the lead/customer (the "user") themselves as they are actively using it. 


Values (Custom Values) - These are variables that allow you to re-use data in multiple places and easily update that data across all of those places by simply updating the value itself. There are custom variables built into the system, these are the items you can select in the Email Builder that display wrapped in double curly braces. You can also create your own Custom Values under Settings > Custom Values.


Workflows - This is the feature in FG Funnels that brings all the other pieces together. Workflows are a visual automation builder that allows you to set a trigger (or multiple triggers), which sets off a series of actions without manual input from a human. These are things like having a purchase as a trigger that then tags the contact according to what they purchased, sends them an email with a link to access the purchase, and moves them from "lead" to "customer" in your opportunity pipeline.


Yext - Is an optional (paid) add-on for your FG Funnels account that is designed for folks who provide local (typically offline) services and are looking to increase their online presence and SEO in map-based local searches.


Zoom - Zoom is a communications platform we use and recommend for video conferencing. It is great for workshops, webinars, meetings, and live streaming to your communities on social platforms. You can integrate your Zoom account directly with your FG Funnels user profile under Settings > My Profile. This will allow you to generate Zoom links in connected calendars.

Zapier - This is a third-party integration tool that can be used to integrate your FG Funnels workflows with countless other possible apps and software.