How To Preview And Test New Features/Interface Changes

How To Preview And Test New Features/Interface Changes

  1. Accessing Beta Features
    • Navigate to your FG Funnels account.
    • Go to Settings in the left menu.
    • Scroll down to the "labs" section where beta features are available for testing.

  2. Enabling New Features
    • In the labs section, find toggles on each feature card.
    • Toggle on the features you want to test out.
    • Note the estimated go-live date, which may change based on feedback.

  3. Exploring Changes
    • New features may change the software's appearance.
    • Backend code is updated for more extendability and additional features.
    • Changes focus on enhancing user interfaces and customization options.

  4. Testing Features
    • Toggle on features in the labs section.
    • Head to the builder to see the changes in action.
    • Explore the new user interfaces and functionalities.

  5. Example Feature: Brand New Funnel and Website Builder
    • Access the new builder interface with a white menu.
    • Navigation and editing options may have shifted slightly.
    • Explore features like page lists, mobile/desktop mode toggles, and element editing menus.

  6. Feedback and Testing
    • Use non-time-sensitive tasks to test new features.
    • Provide feedback directly to developers on the new changes.
    • Stay updated on the go-live dates for the features you're testing.