LC Mail Alternative: Google Workspace (G Suite) - Transactional Email Only

If you are a coach or agency and plan to only do transactional email + not broadcasts or promotional messages, you can use Gsuite in place of Mailgun.

IMPORTANT: There has been a new UI update since the recording of this video that requires us to manually disable the default SMTP provider (LC Email) before you can add an alternate SMTP provider. If you notice that the "Add Service" button in your account is grayed out, please email us at or in live chat so that we turn this on for you.

There are 3 short videos in this lesson:

  1. Covers how to set up a new Google Workspace email account in Cloudflare.
  2. Explains how to ensure your email authentication records for your Google Workspace email account are set up to help your deliverability.
  3. Shows how to connect your Google Workspace email account to your FG Funnels account to use as an SMTP service for sending transactional emails out of FG Funnels.


#1 Setting Up Google Workspace In Cloudflare

This video covers how to set up a new Google Workspace email account in Cloudflare.

#2 GSuite (Google Workspace) Records - Setups For Better Deliverability

This video covers how to set up email authentication records for your Google Workspace email account.

#3 GSuite (Google Workspace) As An SMTP Provider In FG App

The video below shows how to connect your Google Workspace email account to your FG Funnels account to use as an SMTP service for sending transactional emails out of FG Funnels.

Please note: it is against Google's TOS to use this service for promotional email marketing, so this is only an option if you will be sending purely transactional emails from FGF.

Not sure what transactional emails are?

Transactional email is sent from one sender to one recipient, following a commercial transaction or specific action performed by that person (the recipient). Examples of transactional emails include appointment confirmations, purchase confirmations, and password reminder emails.