Receive Your Login 2FA Code Via Text Message

If you'd like the option to receive your login 2FA code via text message instead of only email, you can set this up while logged in to your account by adding a valid mobile phone number to your user profile.

  1. Go to Settings > My Profile.
  2. Enter a mobile phone number in the phone number field.

    Updating Phone for 2 Factor Authentication

  3. Click Update Information.
  4. Now this phone number will show as an option to receive your login 2FA code via text message the next time you are logging in.

If you are not already logged into your account and are having trouble receiving the codes via email, send us an email to with your mobile phone number where you can receive text messages included and let us know you would like it added to your user profile to receive the login codes by text message. We will get you all set so you can use it going forward.

If you don't have a cell phone, or do not have service where you need to receive your codes, you can sign up for a free (for personal use) Google Voice number and use that as an alternate option for receiving your login code via text message.