How To Set Up Shipping Zones for E-Commerce Products

Important Note:

Shipping zones only work for e-commerce products that are being sold via the Store element on a Website.

  • How To Add An E-Commerce Store To A Website: Sites > Websites > select a website and enter the editor on any page > select + icon in top left corner of page builder to add an element > Select 'Store' from the left list > click '+ Add to site' button.

There is no way at this time to add shipping charges to products sold via a regular order form on either a funnel or website.

Shipping Quick Facts:

  1. E-commerce store owners can now define manual delivery charges based on shipping zones.
  2. A zone can be created by selecting countries (by “Add Zone”) and manual rates can be defined inside a zone using Add Rates.
  3. Store owners can define multiple pricing for each zone. Multiple Shipping zones can be created with different delivery charges.
  4. While defining rates, delivery rates can be defined according to the total amount in the cart. For ex. Free Shipping, if the order amount is above $500, or charge $10 if it's below $500.

You can create as many shipping zones as you need to by going to Payments > Settings > Shipping & Delivery > then select "Add zone". You can then set up rates per zone.

Setting Up Shipping Zones

  1. From your FG Funnels dashboard, click on Payments -> Settings.

    Payments -> Settings

    From the menu under Settings, select Shipping & Delivery.

    Shipping & Delivery Item

    Click Add Zone.

    Add Zone Button

    1. Enter a name for the zone and what countries (as well as states and provinces if applicable) are included and click Add.

      Edit Zone Window

      Click Add Rate.

      Add Rate Link

    2. Enter the rate name, delivery description and amount.
    3. You can add Conditional Pricing if you want rates to be different based on the order amount or the item weight.
      1. For example, if shipping is $10 unless they spend over $150, you would check conditional pricing and add 0 as the minimum price and $150 as the maximum price.

        Rate Example with Conditional Pricing

  2. Add as many zones and rates as you need.