Bullet List Element in Funnel and Website Builder

There is a specific element for bulleted and numbered list in FG Funnels. To add a bullet list element, click on the plus sign in the upper left hand corner and select elements from the left side of the panel that opens. Select Bullet List and drag into the desired spot on the page.

One bullet list item will appear. You can replace the text and hit the enter key to add additional bullets. You can highlight your bullet points and use the formatting toolbar to change from regular bullets to numbers for an ordered list.

Bullet List Formatting Toolbar

The bullet list options in the right hand panel has additional customization options. You can change the icon to change the icon that comes before the bullet items. So you could change the checkmarks to any icon listed.

Adjusting the line height impacts the spacing between the items to give more space between them.

The color option will change the text color. The icon color option will change the color of the checkmarks, bullets or any other icon you selected.

Some bullet list options

Many other options align with the general text options which are described in greater detail in the article Headline and Text Elements in the Funnel and Website Builder.