Video Element in Funnel and Website Builder

The video element in the funnel and website builder allows you to add videos hosted through FG Funnels, YouTube, Vimeo and Wistia, in addition to custom embed codes and HTML 5 video. When using videos from YouTube, Vimeo and Wistia, you do not need to use an embed code.

In This Article:

Adding the Video Element

To add the Video element, click on the plus sign in the upper left hand corner and select elements from the left side of the panel that opens. Find the Media section, select the Video element and drag it to the desired location on the page.

From the right hand options panel, under the Background Color option, select the Video Type. Options are YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, Custom Embed, HTML and Hosted Video.

General Video Options

Settings for YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia Videos

  • If you select YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia, there will be a box to input the video URL.
  • Once you have added the video URL, you will have the option to toggle on Autoplay, meaning that the video will start playing automatically on page load. Videos are muted by default when autoplay is turned on.
  • YouTube and Vimeo will give the option to turn off the controls to prevent people from pausing the video, fast forwarding etc.
  • Finally, you will be given a width option to choose how much of the column/row you want the video to take up.

Settings for Custom Embed Videos

  • Enter your embed code in the box labeled video embed.

Settings for HTML 5 Videos

  • Enter your MP4 URL or WebM URL.
  • Enter your thumbnail image URL if you have one.
  • Finally, you will be given a width option to choose how much of the column/row you want the video to take up.

Settings for Hosted Videos

Hosted Video Options

  • Click the blue Select Video button to choose a video from your media library or upload a new one
  • Click the blue Select Thumbnail button to choose a custom thumbnail from an image in your media library or upload one.
  • Set your playback controls
    • You will have the option to toggle on Autoplay, meaning that the video will start playing automatically on page load. Videos are muted by default when autoplay is turned on.
    • You will have the option to allow the play/pause button to be used.
    • Playback speed control allowing visitors to speed up or slow down the video
    • Pending time allows viewers to see how much time is remaining in the video
    • Full screen toggle allows your viewers to open the video in full screen
    • Picture in picture will place the video in the corner of the window if the user scrolls past the video
    • Show Progress Bar allows visitors to click forward or backward in the video. If you are relying on FG Funnels video tracking, we recommend leaving this off for most accurate results.
    • Generate Leads from Video allows you to insert a form to show after a specified time in a video
    • Redirect Unregistered Visitors takes into account that if people land on your website's video page directly using a URL, they may not have filled out their name and information on an Opt-in form. This can be used to push such visitors to another page which has an Opt-In Form so that they can fill in their name and other details, once they do that they would be brought back to the video.

Customization Options

Video Customization Options

  • The general options tab will allow you to rename your element, set margin and padding, and change the background color where the video element doesn't fill.

Advanced Options

Advanced Video Options

  • The advanced options panel allowing you to turn on or off visibility on mobile or desktop. Blue icons means that it is visible on that device, whereas gray icons means that it is hidden on that device.
  • Custom class and CSS selector allow you to make CSS adjustments that target this element.