How to Enable Automatic Sales Tax Calculations ( US )
The FG Funnels system is now able to calculate sales taxes automatically for your customers based on the address details they entered during checkout, and the type of product they purchased.
The settings in the "Automatic Taxes" section will be applicable on all payments processed through order forms, online stores, invoices, and payment links. The taxes will be dynamically calculated based on the customer's state and zip code along with the product category.
The taxes will only be automatically calculated if you have enabled address collection during checkout, or if you have a saved address on the contact's record in the case of payments being made on invoices. Please do not forget to turn ON the address field on your order forms, and in your online store, in order for tax calculation to work accurately.
This feature will only work dynamically for people selling in the US. For other countries, the system currently supports manual tax rates, which can be directly attached to products, and added to the subtotal at checkout.
You will be required to select the Nexus addresses/states where you want to collect sales taxes, and select a default product tax category, which will act as the default category for all of your products.
The taxes will be applicable for both one-time and recurring products. A breakdown of the amount paid will be available on the order details page ( Payments > Orders ) and transaction details page ( Payments > Transactions ).
How to Enable Automatic Sales Tax Calculations
1) Go to Payments > Settings > Taxes.
2) Scroll down to the "Automatic taxes" section.
3) Toggle ON the "Enable automatic sales tax" setting.
4) Select your "Default Tax Category" [ this is the category that will be used for all of your products unless you specify a tax category specifically within an individual product's settings. The tax category selected within the individual product setting will override the "Default Tax Category" setting. ].
5) Select all of the Nexus Addresses/states where you want to collect sales taxes.
6) Click "Save" at the bottom.
7) You're done! You've enabled the automatic sales tax calculations.
You can select specific product tax categories for individual products while creating or editing products under Payments > Products. The tax category selected within the individual product setting will override the "Default Tax Category" setting.
Here is an example of what the taxes will look like when a customer is checking out through the online store: