Operating as an Agency Inside of FG Funnels

You have two options depending on how you work with your clients. You can act as an agency - OR - service provider inside FG Funnels:

Agency Model

You would own and pay for your client's FG Funnels subaccounts. You would have your credit card and name connected to each of their subaccounts, and manage them fully. This model is used for those who do high touch client work, and don't want their clients to have to worry about signing up for FG Funnels. To do this you'll need to follow these steps:

1. For each client you want a subaccount for, you will need to use a unique email address. You can use your business email address, then just add +1 OR +clients name. So for example, If your client's name was Julie, and your business email address is joe@examplebusiness.com, you would use the email address joe+julie@examplebusiness.com - OR - joe+1@examplebusiness.com.

2. Once you have a unique email address, head to fgfunnels.com/add-on-order and using the unique email address to sign up for an additional subaccount ( you cannot receive affiliate revenue from these secondary locations since you own them ). Each additional subaccount is currently $69 / month.

3. From there, you will have full Admin control of their subaccount. You could add your client as a User level team member on their FG Funnels subaccount.

4. If you have a client leave your agency, you can either cancel the subscription to delete their subaccount data, or you can offer to move their subaccount and assets to a basic FG Funnels subaccount with your affiliate link.

This way you can still get recurring revenue from old clients ( 40% commission ) and they get to keep the assets you've built for them. You would need to email us at support@fgfunnels.com and we'll build a special invoice for your clients to use to move over the subscription and billing name / credit card.

Service Provider Model

Your client purchases and pays for their own FG Funnels subaccount. The client has their credit card and name connected to their subaccount. You could be added as an Admin level team member on their subaccount, to be able to work inside their subaccount. This model is used for those who do a lot of VIP days or contract work, and the client manages their own billing information.

Here are the steps:

1. Become an affiliate with FG Funnels at 40% commission. Sign up here - affiliates.fgfunnels.com

2. Have your clients use your affiliate link to sign up for FG Funnels.

3. Give your clients a pre-built message to send to customer support@fgfunnels.com asking to add you as an Admin team member on their FG Funnels subaccount.