Troubleshooting Steps

1) To get the best user experience with FG Funnels, follow the steps in this video here: How to Get the Best User Experience with FG Funnels

2) Clear your browser's application site data. Here is a video walkthrough of how to clear application site data ( if you're currently logged into your FG Funnels account):

3) Check that your browser is up to date ( Here is how to check if Chrome is up to date ).

  • Here is a video showing how to make sure your Chrome browser is up to date.

  • Here are screenshots showing what the Chrome browser will show you, when it's updating, and needs to be re-launched ( and you just need to click the "Relaunch" button ).

4) Clear browser cache and cookies for "All Time" ( Here is Google's support article going over how to clear browser cache and cookies in Chrome ).

5) We recommend using a Chrome or Firefox browser, since FG Funnels is optimized for these two browsers.

6) You might have a browser extension installed that doesn't interact well with the FG Funnels ecosystem. Nuno shows how to create a new Chrome profile at the 12:19min mark in this video from step #1 here.

  • Gonzalo Jimenez posted this super helpful video in the Facebook group a while back, which you may find helpful, when setting up your new Google Chrome profile as well.

7) Check if you are using a VPN, sometimes these can cause issues with the system.

8) Check to see if you are using a security software ( Avast, Norton, McAfee, etc. ) that is blocking all or part of the site.

  • If you use NordVPN make sure your "web protection settings" are turned OFF ( at least for the FG Funnels website ).

9) Check to see if this is happening on other devices ( i.e. a different laptop, mobile phone, desktop computer ).