Snapshot Account
We now offer snapshot subaccounts to make sharing funnels, automations, and websites with other FG Funnels users easier. Please email to setup a new snapshot subaccount.
A snapshot subaccount is just $1 / month as long as the owner of the subaccount ( that will be used to create the snapshot ) has an active FG Funnels subscription.
Please Note: Snapshot subaccounts are not an additional subaccount you can use. Running email, texts, live funnels and etc. through a snapshot subaccount is not allowed.
Here is an introductory video on how it works:
Everything in the snapshot subaccount is like a photograph, a snapshot of what you’re sharing with your clients. When a snapshot is created everything is copied from your current subaccount, into the snapshot subaccount.
You can edit and delete things from within your snapshot subaccount ( without affecting your original subaccount ). Then, you can share your magic link with your clients, so they can request to have the snapshot loaded into their FG Funnels subaccount [ we will provide you with a magic link, which you can share with all of your clients ].
Important Note: You will need to contact us if you ever want to update the snapshot that is sent to your clients, since the snapshot will need to be refreshed on the backend.
Here is a full list of what can be delivered through a snapshot: What Can be Cloned into Your FG Funnels Subaccount Using a Snapshot
Please Note: You cannot have more than 100 funnels + websites ( combined ). A snapshot cannot be created of an account with more than 100 funnels + websites combined, inside of it.
So, if you have more than 100 funnels + websites, you will need to delete some of them before any assets can be cloned to your client's / affiliate's accounts. The easiest ones to delete would be the asset / share funnel templates of FG Funnels design collections. You can always request these templates again later, if you ever want to use them again.
Our developers have set a limit because the snapshot creation crashes if we have more than 100 funnels and websites, due to memory limits. The funnels and websites will be counted together. The reason for setting the 100 limit is to ensure that the snapshot load is smooth and never crashes because loading funnels is a long process and is more prone to fail as the total number increases.