Configuring a Domain Purchased in FG Funnels

You will need to configure a domain you have purchased in FG Funnels in order to use it for your funnels and websites as specific records need to be added. This is a very easy process as described below.

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Domains. Click on Configure next to the domain you purchased in FG Funnels to see the DNS records.

    Configure Button Next To Purchased Domain

  2. Select the Connect this Domain button in the upper right hand corner.

    Connect This Domain Button Circled

  3. When the Connect Domain screen appears, ensure that your domain is listed then click Continue.

    Connect Domain Screen

  4. Under the popup that appears, select if you want to add the www. version of the domain as well and hit Continue.

    Connect Domain Popup

  5. The next screen you will see says that your domain is already authorized because it was purchased in FG Funnels. Select Add Records.

    Domain Authorized - Add Records Screen

  6. Wait for the records to be added. This can take up to 1 minute. Once the records are added, you will see the screen redirect back to the domain DNS records and your new DNS records will be listed.

    Records added to list