Wallet & Transactions
When you are using any of the pay-per-use features within FG Funnels, these charge your wallet in FG Funnels for each use. The account wallet loads or charges in specified increments as set in Settings -> Billing -> Wallet & Transactions.
In This Article:
What The Wallet Is Used For
The wallet is used for any per use feature in FG Funnels as well as a few others. This includes but is not limited to LC Email charges, LC Phone charges, phone number monthly fees, A2P Campaign fees, domain registration, AI features etc.
Manually Loading Your Wallet
You can manually add money to your wallet at any time by going to Settings -> Billing -> Wallet and Transactions and clicking the Add Balance button. You will then be prompted to enter how much money you wish to add to your wallet and the card that will be charged for the balance.
Wallet Recharge Settings
Just underneath your wallet balance details are your auto recharge settings. This specifies when and for what amount the wallet will automatically recharged. By default, accounts are set to auto recharge with $10 when balance is lower than $0.
If you are using wallet features regularly, we recommend changing that setting to be when the balance is lower than $10 so that the wallet recharges before depleting to $0. This will help avoid failed emails and other actions due to insufficient funds.
Viewing Transactions
You can view a detailed list of your transactions at any time by scrolling below the Wallet Balance details from Settings -> Billing -> Wallet. The Summary will be shown by default which will show a summary of the different types of charges and the usage in the current month. Clicking the Detailed Transactions link will show the details of each individual charge for the last 6 months and each individual message and interaction will be listed. This information is updated every 24 hours.