List of Blocked WordPress Plugins

Our constant endeavor is to optimize your WordPress sites for improved reliability, performance, and security. Unfortunately, certain plugins either attempt to replicate some of our built-in features or are not well-suited to our environment.

When our system administrators detect any problems associated with a plugin, we take the necessary steps to classify it as a restricted plugin. This is because such plugins could potentially lead to performance-related challenges or disrupt the smooth operation of your website.

Below, you'll find a compilation of WordPress plugins that are currently restricted on our platform. It's worth noting that we continuously update this list as we encounter issues with plugins, ensuring a safer and more stable environment for your website.

Banned Plugins:
1.     adminer
2.     allow-php-execute
3.     amazon-ebay-integration
4.     async-google-analytics
5.     backup
6.     backupbuddy
7.     backup-scheduler
8.     backupwordpress
9.     backwpup
10.  backwpup-pro
11.  bad-behavior
12.  broken-link-checker
13.  bwp-minify
14.  cache-enabler
15.  codistoconnect
16.  content-molecules
17.  contextual-related-posts
18.  duplicator
19.  duplicator-pro
20.  dynamic-related-posts
21.  dynamic-widgets
22.  exec-php
23.  ezpz-one-click-backup
24.  file-commander
25.  fuzzy-seo-booster
26.  gd-system-plugin
27.  gd-system-plugin.php
28.  google-xml-sitemaps-with-multisite-support
29.  hc-custom-wp-admin-url
30.  hcs.php
31.  hello.php
32.  inactive-user-deleter
33.  jch-optimize
34.  jr-referrer
35.  jumpple
36.  litespeed-cache
37.  login-wall
38.  missed-schedule
39.  no-revisions
40.  ozh-who-sees-ads
41.  p3
42.  p3-profiler
43.  pagefrog
44.  pipdig-power-pack
45.  portable-phpmyadmin
46.  quick-cache
47.  quick-cache-pro
48.  Really Simple SSL
49.  recommend-a-friend
50.  rvg-optimize-database
51.  seo-alrp
52.  sg-cachepress
53.  si-captcha-for-wordpress
54.  similar-posts
55.  snapshot
56.  spamreferrerblock
57.  ssclassic
58.  sspro
59.  super-post
60.  superslider
61.  sweetcaptcha-revolutionary-free-captcha-service
62.  text-passwords
63.  the-codetree-backup
64.  toolspack
65.  tweet-blender
66.  updraft
67.  versionpress
68.  w3-total-cache
69.  wonderm00ns-simple-facebook-open-graph-tags
70.  woocommerce-amazon-ebay-integration
71.  wordpress-gzip-compression
72.  wordpress-popular-posts
73.  wp-cache
74.  wp-database-optimizer
75.  wp-db-backup
76.  wp-db-backup-made
77.  wp-dbmanager
78.  wpengine-migrate
79.  wpengine-migrate.tar.gz
81.  wpengine-snapshot
82.  wp-engine-snapshot
83.  wpengine-snapshot.tar.gz
84.  wp-file-cache
85.  wponlinebackup
86.  wp-phpmyadmin
87.  wp-postviews
88.  wp-rss-multi-importer
89.  wp-slimstat
90.  wp-super-cache
91.  wp-symposium-alerts