Adding Dynamic Text To Funnel Pages

You can use data from form submissions to customize later steps in a funnel, such as adding someone's first name to a thank you page after they submit a form.

  1. There is no custom field selector in the funnel builder, so custom fields need to be copied before before entering them.
  2. Go to Settings > Custom Fields, and find the relevant custom field.
    • Ensure that you are using a custom field that matches the form input to avoid leaving the value blank when someone lands on your thank you page.
  3. Copy the unique key for the custom field (e.g., contact first name).

    Unique Key Circled is in Custom Fields

  4. Paste the custom value unique key on the Thank You page where you want it to populate.
  5. Modify styling as needed and save the changes.

If the input has no value, for example, someone lands on the page without filling out the form or leaves that field blank, that custom value will not show on the page and will be blank.