Tracking Scripts/Pixel Code

In this article:

You can install tracking scripts from external sources like Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics and Facebook into your funnels. This article covers general directions for tracking codes. For Facebook Pixel specific directions, visit the How to Add A Facebook Pixel to a Funnel article.

You can add tracking code to all pages in a funnel or just to specific pages, depending on the instructions that your platform providing the tracking code gives.

Tracking Code Placement to Apply to All Funnel Pages

  1. Go Sites > Funnels and select the funnel you want to add the tracking code to.
  2. Click on settings under the name of the funnel.
  3. Locate the head tracking code and body tracking code boxes.

    Head and body tracking code boxes highlighted

  4. Paste your tracking code into the appropriate box based on the instructions from the tracking platform.
  5. Save your changes and the tracking code will be applied to all funnel pages.

Tracking Code Placement to Apply to Just a Single Page

  1. Go to Sites > Funnels and select the funnel you want to add the tracking code to.
  2. Select the page you want to add the tracking code to from the Funnel Steps list and click the blue edit button under the thumbnail.
  3. In the builder, click on the tracking code icon in the toolbar.

    Tracking code icon in toolbar

  4. Choose header or footer tracking based on the instructions from the tracking platform.
  5. Paste the code in the box and click save within that box.
  6. Finally click publish to have the tracking code go live on that page.

Important Note In Regard to Facebook Pixels in the State of California

Due to the changes brought about by the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) that went into effect July 1st, 2020, marketers looking to pixel people in California will need to enter an additional parameter to the Facebook Pixel. 

Read more here.