Products With Payment Plans + Card Authorization

In this article:

Creating a Product with One-Time Payment and/or Payment Plan

  1. Go to Payments -> Products
  2. Select Create Product
  3. Add your product name, description, picture and any other information needed.
  4. For a one time payment:
    1. Ensure that one time is selected and enter the payment amount.
    2. If it is linked to a course in the membership area, select Additional Options, toggle on Membership Offer and select your offer. To set up your Membership Offer, see article - COMING SOON).
    3. Save
  5. For a recurring payment/pay plan:
    1. Select add new price if a price is already in the product,
    2. Name the payment plan (e.g., 3-pay at $1200).
    3. Change the type from one-time to recurring
    4. Specify the amount for each charge.
    5. Choose billing period (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).
    6. Specify the number of payments before stopping. For example, for a three month payment plan, enter 3 as your number of payments. If you are setting up a subscription where you want your customer to be charged until they cancel, leave the number of payments blank.
  6. Add as many payment plans/prices as you need.

Adding Products to an Order Form in a Funnel

Once you have created your products and prices under Payments -> Products, if you want to sell a product on a funnel page in an order form, you need to add the product to that page.

  1. Locate and open the overview of the funnel you want to add the product to.

    Funnel Overview Page

  2. Select the page with the order form from the side list of steps. This may be an order form page or your sales page if you have an order form on the sales page.

    Order Form Page Selected

  3. Select Products from the top right hand corner of the white step overview box.

    Products Text is Circled

  4. Click the blue Add product button.

    Add Product Button is circled

  5. Fill in the fields to add the product including selecting the product from the drop down, the appropriate price, listing the name that should show on the order form and save. Repeat for as many products and prices as you need.

Understanding Card Authorization for Recurring Products

When you are adding a recurring payment product as a product in a funnel, if you select "Additional Options" you will see the option to set a custom authorization amount. This authorization amount is an amount that will be temporarily "held" on the card and then immediately released to ensure that the card is valid and that there is enough money in the account for the payment to go through.

This is especially helpful for free trials where you are not collecting any money up front but want to ensure that the card is valid and that at least upon starting there would be enough money in the account to pay.

This is also helpful for if the recurring payment has a slight delay on going through, this allows you to give access with more assurance that the payment will succeed as the authorization will check to ensure there is enough money in the account and then immediately release the held funds.

By default, the authorization amount will be equal to the amount of the first payment. However, if you would like to authorize more or less than the first payment, you can add the custom amount in the box.

This hold is temporary and will not actually remove any additional money from the customer's account than the amount that is set to charge today (the first payment, or $0 if there is a free trial.

Setting Custom Authorization Amount