How to Create a Blog

Blog can be created by navigating to Sites in your account.


1. Navigate to Sites >  Blog

2. Create new Blog by clicking the blue 'New' button. Then set up the following things: 

  •  Add name of the Blog 
  • Select the domain and add slug (the slug is optional, but the domain is required)
  • Add the meta description - approx. number of character is 250 for SEO purpose

Domain/Subdomain for Blog:

*Please Note - you have MUST a domain.

A. For example if the Domain is

B. For example if the subdomain is

3. After adding the details, you will land on list view to create new blog posts and edit the blog site.

4. To edit the blog site layout, click the 'edit blog site' button to edit the list view and card details and blog post page.  User can do the following 
  • User can select the layout designs

  • User can manage how will the card will look like.

  • User can manage the style - Image, Post, Tags, Heading, Title, Description, Author, Publish date and Author

To manage the blog pages like home and post, it will allow users to create blog posts and delete the blog.