Media Library Specs & Formats

When it comes to media within FG Funnels, it is important to know which media types and formats are supported. Here is the list of media, broken down by feature.

In this article:

Funnels and Websites

Adding the Image Element in Funnel or Website:

When the media library is opened for uploading media for an image element by clicking on the image icon next to the URL box in the right hand settings panel.

Adding an image from the funnel builder icon highlighted

When the media library is accessed from the funnel or website builder, the following types of media can be uploaded with the corresponding size constraint for different elements.

File types allowed:

Type Extension
PNG .png
JPEG .jpg, .jpeg, .jfif, .pjpeg, .pjp
TIFF/X-TIFF .tif, .tiff
WEBP .webp
SVG .svg
ICON .ico, .cur
GIF .gif

Please Note: 

Maximum upload file size allowed:

  • Videos - 4GB
  • Documents - 100MB
  • Audio - 100MB
  • Images - 100MB

Social Planner

Adding an Image:

To add an image in the social planner, open a new or existing post and under the Type content box, click the icon that looks like an image.

Add image button highlighted in social planner

Social Planner - Allowed File Types 

Type Extension
JPEG .jpg, .jpeg, .jfif, .pjpeg, .pjp
GIF .gif

Please Note: 

Maximum file size allowed: 10 MB

Adding Video:

To add a video in the social planner, open a new or existing post and under the Type content box, click the icon that looks like a video camera.

Add video button highlighted in social planner

Social Planner - Allowed Video Types

File Type Type Extension
Video avi .avi

QuickTime .qt, .qtc, .mov, .moov, .moov

MP4 video .mp4

Ogg video .ogv

windows media video .wmv, .asf

WebM video .webm

Please Note: 

Maximum file size allowed: 1 GB

Direct Media Library Access

When the media library is accessed through Media Storage menu item all the below-mentioned file types are supported with an upload file size limit:

  • Videos - 4GB
  • Documents - 100MB
  • Audio - 100MB
  • Images - 100MB

Media Storage from the Left Sidebar Menu

Media Storage Left Menu Item

Media Library - Allowed File Types

File Type Type Extension
Image PNG .png

JPEG .jpg, .jpeg, .jfif, .pjpeg, .pjp

TIFF/X-TIFF .tif, .tiff

WEBP .webp

SVG .svg

ICON .ico, .cur

GIF .gif

Documents pdf .pdf

Word Doc .doc, .docx

Excel .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm

PowerPoint .ppt, .pptx, .pptm

text .rtf, .txt

Video avi .avi

QuickTime .qt, .qtc, .mov, .moov, .moov

MP4 video .mp4

Ogg video .ogv

windows media video .wmv, .asf

WebM video .webm

Audio aif .aif, .aiff, .aifc

midi .midi, .mid

Windows Audio .wav

Ogg .oga

WebM audio .weba

Please Note: 

Maximum upload file size allowed:

  • Videos - 4GB
  • Documents - 100MB
  • Audio - 100MB
  • Images - 100MB

Other Media Uploads Supported


Course Videos:

Type File Type
Video avi


MP4 video

Ogg video

Windows Media video

WebM Video

Please Note: 

Maximum file size allowed: 4GB

Other Files:

When uploaded by clicking the "Add Files" option in a lesson under a course.

Add files button highlighted in course area

All file types are allowed

Please Note: 

Maximum file size allowed: 50 MB

Forms and Surveys

Files can be uploaded in forms and surveys by adding custom fields

Create New Custom Field with File Upload

These files can be seen as form submissions or as contacts.

File Upload in a Form Submission

General Info Tab and Additional Info Tab in Contact Record

All file types are allowed.

Please Note: 

Maximum file size allowed: 50 MB per account