Surveys with Conditional Logic

You can use conditional logic within the survey builder to send users to different questions depending on their answers to an earlier question.

  1. To start, navigate to the survey builder by going to Sites > Surveys > Builder and opening a new or existing survey.
  2. Click on the Style and Options button in the top right hand corner, right under the Save button. The icon looks like two sliders on top of each other.
  3. Go to the options tab and the survey settings section and sure that the "One Question at a Time" toggle is turned off (appears gray). This must be off for conditional logic to work.
  4. Add the fields to the slide up until where you want to add the field that will include the conditional logic.
  5. Create a new slide for the question with the conditional logic. This must be the only question on this slide.
  6. Either add your existing custom value or add a new custom value from the Add Element -> Custom Fields -> Add New. Note that only the Checkbox, Single Options and Radio Button field types work for conditional logic.
  7. Ensure that "Allow Custom Values" remains unchecked when setting up your custom value in order for Conditional Logic to work.
  8. Add the additional slides needed for your answers to direct to. You do not need to add the questions yet, but you will want them to be created.
  9. Rename the additional slides to be specific to the answer given in the conditional logic question. This can be done by clicking on the three dots to the right of the slide name and clicking settings. This is where you can change the name.
  10. Go back to your conditional logic question and click it to show the options, scroll down to the logic option. Use the dropdowns for each answer to direct to the correct slide when that answer is selected.
    1. If you have an option where users should be disqualified (for example, they chose something you don't offer or their budget is too low for what you offer), you can choose disqualify immediately.
    2. You can customize disqualification messages or redirection URLs under Styles and Options > Options > Disqualify Immediately.
  11. Add your other questions to the other slides to complete the survey.
  12. Add a final slide that has a message of how to submit or final questions.
  13. Return to each slide that should lead to the last slide, click on the three dots to the right of the slide name and click settings. Then use the Jump To dropdown to select the final slide. This will allow your users to go straight to the final slide to submit when they are done answering the questions related to their conditional logic answer.

Important Points to Remember:

  • Under Styles and Options, make sure 'One field at a time' under 'Survey fields settings' is turned off
  • Use Custom Fields to create the conditional logic questions
  • These are the Custom Field Types that use conditional logic:
    • Checkbox
    • Single Option
    • Radio
  • Do not use the 'Allow Add Custom Options' feature with the radio custom field type. You cannot redirect if the lead chooses to add a custom option.
  • Custom fields with conditional logic must be the only field on a slide for the redirect to work. Do not combine conditional logic custom fields with ANY other fields (including basic Text field).
  • You can use multiple conditional logic questions in each survey by following the same process.
  • Use 'Disqualify immediately' if you are planning to disqualify a lead based on an answer. Disqualify after submit will still force the lead to go through the entire survey which you do not want in conditional logic surveys.