Why Google calendar integration breaks and how to fix it

The most common reasons when Google integration breaks

  1. The Google connection expires due to password change and some other reasons you can find here https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2#expiration.

    Due to the connection issue, the main (refresh) token expires. In general, in an ideal situation, the refresh token from google was never intended to expire unless these are the reasons https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2#expiration

  2. Other reason your Google integration might breaks is due to system updates. This is a rare case scenario, but it does happen sometimes.

In either case, you just need to reintegrate google connection and all should be fine. Simply head to your Google integration > remove the integration > refresh your page > then re-add the integration back.

Appointments and all other events/data will not be deleted unless the calendar is deleted. The re-integration never ever affects any existing FGF data except token refresh (Auth).