Support Options Available with FG Funnels

We offer:

Live Group Call Schedule

  • Monday - Tech Call with Nuno 9am ET
  • Tuesday - Tech Call with Nuno 11am ET
  • Wednesday - Tech Call with Nuno 4pm ET
  • Thursday - Design Date with Amber 12pm ET
  • Friday - Tech Call with Nuno 7am ET

To join any of the calls on Zoom, use this link.

We will post in the Facebook group ahead of any call cancelations.

Design Date is hosted by our User Experience Specialist, Amber, and provides a chance to ask questions about our templates, editing CSS, and using the funnel builder and template assets. 

Tech Calls are hosted by one of our FG Funnels Tech Experts, Nuno, and are your opportunity to ask any questions you have regarding your account. This could be questions about onboarding a domain, constructing a workflow, troubleshooting a calendar, or any other account-related technical question.

Live Chat Support

We offer 24/7 live chat support, which you can access from within your FG Funnels account.

You can access chat from the dashboard view of your account, by first clicking the purple and white chat bubble icon, in the upper-right corner of the screen to open the help library.

This will allow you to search help docs, start a chat or send a message.

Email Support

(Our office hours are 9am - 5pm Eastern Time Monday-Friday)

If you need tech support outside of the weekly call times, please reach out to our support team by emailing

Please be sure to include:

  • Account name
  • Detailed description of where in the account you need help troubleshooting
  • Links to funnels, forms, workflows, emails, etc. that are a part of your question
  • Screen recordings are always helpful. Please feel free to use Loom video (or another screen recording app) to show us what you're working on, and what you would like help with.

If you need design support outside of the weekly call, please send an email to along with:

  • Account name
  • Funnel/website name
  • Step/page name
  • Screen recording showing the question/what you're trying to achieve or change
  • Please feel free to use Loom video (or another screen recording app) to show us what you're working on, and what you would like help with. Loom videos are extremely helpful.

If you're looking for more help, in addition to the support that FG Funnels provides, we would definitely recommend heading over to These marketers have been personally trained by us, and know FG Funnels very well.