Calendar Sync Options Explained

In This Article:

The Calendar Sync option is currently available only for Google Calendars.

Integrating Your Google Calendar

You will need to first integrate your Google account. You can do this by going to Settings> Integrations> Sign In With Google and linking your account.

After that is done, you can connect to the Google account under the Profile tab in the Calendar Settings > Connected Calendar section.

Go to Calendar Configuration and to the right of Linked Calendar, select Add.

Add a Calendar to Sync button circled

A box will show that will ask "Which third-party calendar should we add new events to?". Select the calendar you want to be the primary account/calendar and have your FG Funnels appointments added to. If you select, Do not add new events to any calendar, no FG Funnels calendar appointments will be added to your calendar.

Then select which individual Google calendar in your account you would like events to be added to.

Modal to select your linked calendar

For Simple/Event Calendars:

All FGF appointments will still push to the Google Calendar selected in the calendar settings dropdown in the individual calendar no matter what the sync option is. 

The behavior for two-way sync and disable trigger would pull the guests in the Google events and add them to FG Funnels.

Smart sync would pull the guests in the Google events and add them to FG Funnels if we found that they are already a lead with the same email in FG Funnels.

Calendar Sync Options:

One way sync is recommended for almost all users for the most consistent and desired behavior.

One way:

All events created from Google Calendar will be shown as grey in the FG Funnels calendar. It will not add whoever is invited in the Google event as a contact in FG Funnels or trigger any automations. It will still sync the Appointments from FGF to the Google calendar and block the time slot pulled from Google.

Two way:

All events from Google Calendar will be colored and added as FG Funnels appointments. FG Funnels will find who is invited in the Google event, create a contact record for them, and fire off any triggers associated with the calendar, including reminder automations.


When an event is created in Google calendar but the contacts associated with the event were not found to be already existing in FG Funnels as contacts, FG Funnels will not add them as contacts but will block the time off in your FG Funnels calendar (event color will be gray).

Alternatively, when an event is created in Google calendar and the contacts associated with the event were found as existing contacts in FG Funnels, FG Funnels will color code the event and fire off any triggers and workflows associated with the calendar.

Disable Trigger:

All Google Calendar event contacts will be pulled into FG Funnels as new contacts, but no triggers associated with the FG Funnels calendar will fire.

Change Your Calendar Sync Preferences

To change your calendar sync preferences, go to Settings > My Profile > Calendar Settings > Calendar Configuration > Advanced Settings and the sync options will appear.