Round Robin Calendar with User Priority

In this article:

Using Round Robin calendars allows you to have the same appointment type booked with multiple users. The priority settings within Round Robin calendars allow you to select how you want appointments to be allocated.

Booking Distribution When Each User Has A Different Priority

Users can be booked as high priority, medium priority or low priority. If each team member has a different priority, the user with the highest priority will always be booked first if available.

For example, if all team members are available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and User 1 is set as high priority, they will always be the first one booked assuming they have availability. So if someone books at 8 a.m., someone else books at 9 a.m. and a third person books at 10 a.m., all three will be booked with User 1 if User 1 doesn't have an appointment on their calendar.

If User 1 has an appointment already on their calendar for 9 a.m., then the booking will be with User 2, who is set as medium priority.

User 3, set as low priority, will only be booked if User 1 and User 2 are already booked for a specified time.

Booking Distribution for Multiple Appointments Per Slot Per User When Each User Has a Different Priority

If the appointments per slot, per user setting is set to higher than 1, User 1 will take all appointments in one slot until their appointments per slot has been maxed out.

Booking Distribution When Two or More Users Have The Same Priority

When two or more users have the same priority, the system will work to distribute the appointments evenly, still based on priority.

For example, if User 1 has a high priority, but User 2 and 3 are both medium, User 1 will always be booked first. Then any appointments that can't be booked with User 1 are distributed as equally as possible between User 2 and User 3.

If due to scheduling, User 2 ends up with 5 appointments and User 3 only has 2, the next three appointments booked where User 3 is available will go to User 3 to try to keep even.

Booking Distribution When All Users Have The Same Priority

When all users have the same priority, FG Funnels will assign appointments based on availability to attempt to keep the same number of appointments between all users.

If for example, User 1 and User 2 have 5 appointments each and User 3 only has 2, the next three appointments booked where User 3 is available will go to User 3 to try to keep even.