Adding Files To Contacts

Adding Files to Contacts


The objective of this SOP is to guide team members on how to add files to contacts by creating a custom field for file uploads and attaching files to contact records.

Key Steps

  1. Create a Custom Field for File Uploads:
    • Go to settings.
    • Scroll down to custom fields.
    • Navigate to the folder where you want the custom field to be located.
    • Create a new field.
    • Select "file upload" as the field type.
    • Add a field name.
    • Allow the desired file types.
    • Check the box for allowing multiple files.
    • Set a file limit (e.g., 10).
    • Save the custom field.

  2. Attach Files to Contact Records:
    • Go to the contact section.
    • Pull up a contact record.
    • Locate the section where you added the custom file field.
    • Locate the files section that was added.
    • Click on the files section or drag and drop files to upload for the contact.

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