Different Email Sending/ Delivery Method(s) - Send Now, Schedule, Batch, RSS Schedule

There are 4 primary ways to send email campaigns in FG Funnels. In this article we will discuss the main differences between:

  1. Send Now
  2. Schedule
  3. Batch Schedule
  4. RSS Schedule

The 4 sending options for Campaigns

Email Delivery Method Breakdown

Send Now

Create an email campaign for your audience that will be delivered according to the location time zone. All emails will be sent at once immediately after pressing send, which is not recommended for emails to your whole list as it can hurt your email sending reputation and deliverability.

Related Article: How to Send a Regular Email Campaign (Send Now or Schedule)? - COMING SOON


Create an email campaign for your audience which goes out at a specific time and date according to the location time zone. All emails will be sent at once at the specified time, which is not recommended for emails to your whole list as it can hurt your email sending reputation and deliverability.

Related Article: How to Send a Regular Email Campaign (Send Now or Schedule)? - COMING SOON

Batch Schedule

Create an email campaign for your audience that gets delivered in different batches at specific times and dates according to the location time zone. For example, if there are 1000 contacts and the batch quantity is set for 10, it will get delivered in 10 batches of 100 emails each.

This is recommended for emails to your whole list for your email reputation and deliverability.

Related Article: How to Schedule Batch (Drip) Email Campaign(s)?

RSS Schedule

Create an email campaign with RSS elements for your audience and it will get delivered at the scheduled time and date according to the location time zone with the updates on the RSS feed like new blog posts or product updates etc.

Related Article: How To Send RSS Email Campaign(s)

Test Email/Preview
Send Now
Yes, you can edit the time and date of delivery up to one hour before the scheduled start time.
Batch Schedule
Yes, you can edit the time and date of delivery up to one hour before the scheduled start time.

You can also edit the content of the email while the Batch schedule is sending for any emails that haven't sent yet.

RSS Schedule
Yes, you can edit the time and date of delivery before one hour of the designated schedule. You can also edit the content of the email during the Batch schedule is going on. 