Mobile App for Members to Access the Client Portal, Community Groups, and Courses

Our developers recent released a mobile app for the client portal, which means it's currently in beta. It's called the "Kollab by Lead Connector" app. It will allow your students / members to be able to access your client portal from their phone using a mobile app ( which they can download from the app store ). While logged into the app, they'll be able to access any courses or community groups you have granted them access to.

1. Get the App:

For iPhone users, go to the Apple App Store and search for Kollab by LeadConnector, and tap "Download." or Click Here to Download

For Android users, go to the Google Play Store  search for Kollab by LeadConnector, and tap "Download." or Click Here to Download

2. How to Sign-in to the App:

  • Make sure you are signed up with a Community group, Course or Client Portal.
  • Use the same credentials to sign-in i.e. same email ID and password.
  • If you have forgotten your password, Sign in with OTP
  • If you are a part of multiple domains, you'll receive the option to choose which domain to enter into (scroll to choose relevant domain). Choose the one to sign-in.

Once you are signed-in, enjoy your courses, groups all on the go! Members can switch between different community groups, if the groups are set up inside the same subaccount ( your FG Funnels subaccount ).

Access Client Portal Via a Mobile Browser

Your students could also use their phone's mobile browser, to login to the client portal and access community groups + courses on their phone. The client portal and community group feature is optimized for mobile, and it is mobile responsive.


Can I customize the login screen, the app tile in the app store, or the name of the app in the app store?

No, The Kollab app tile, name, and login screen are not customizable.

The actual course / members area that they would see after they login is customizable, but the app name ( Kollab ), app tile, and login screen, are not customizable for the mobile app.