How to add Blog Sitemap?

Having XML sitemaps allows search engines to crawl and index a website sufficiently, and allowing all search engines to be notified of the site map by inserting it into the robots.txt file. In a nutshell, sitemaps enhance the ranking of a website in search engine results, thus boosting the SEO efforts.

New Blog allows automatic sitemap, which means every time a post is published, the sitemap gets automatically updated.

How does it work?

  1. Go to settings in the bottom left of your account > Domains
  2. Add the domain - Follow this article for Domain setup.
  3. After adding the domain, in three dots the option to visit the XML Sitemap

  4. In XML Sitemap, step one is to select the landing pages/funnel to add by selecting the blog home and blog post option.

  5. In step two, click on generate Sitemap 
Example -