How to Delete a Tag

This article goes over the process of deleting a single tag or multiple tags at once in the system.

  1. Go to the "Settings" located in the bottom left-hand corner of the system.
  2. Scroll down to the left side menu and click on "Tags."
  3. Enter the name of the tag you want to delete in the search bar on the right.
    1. To delete a single tag:
      1. Click on the three dots on the right side of the tag and then selecting "Delete."
    2. To delete multiple tags:
    • Select the boxes next to the tags you want to delete - or - click the box at the top to select all the tags on the page.
    • Click on "Bulk Actions" at the top.
    • Select "Delete Selected Tags."
  4. Confirm the deletion by clicking the "confirm" button.
  5. Wait for the system to process the deletion, which may take a few moments.
  6. The system will automatically take you back to the first page of all your tags once the tag(s) has been deleted.

Please Note:

  • Ensure that you are certain about deleting the tag as this action cannot be undone.
  • Double-check to make sure you are deleting the correct tag(s) to avoid accidental deletion.