How to Clone a Workflow to Your Client's Account
Please email us here at to request to have a workflow cloned to your client's FG Funnels account. Please make sure to CC the account owner ( your client ), so they can confirm that we have their permission to add the workflow(s) to their FGF account. All of the workflows that are cloned to your client's account will be in draft mode by default.
Important Note: You can only share workflows with other FG Funnels account holders.
The following assets in your workflow will be cloned, when cloning a workflow to another FG Funnels account:
- Contact Tags
- Contact Custom Fields
- Subaccount Custom Values
- Opportunity Custom Fields
- Opportunity Pipelines & Stages
- Email / SMS
- This includes:
Templates typed directly inside a workflow email action or SMS text action.
Templates inserted into the workflow email action from the Marketing > Templates (Snippets) section of your account.
- Coming Soon: Email Builder Templates located under Marketing > Emails > Templates.
If you would like to share email builder templates with your client, please consider using option #2 or #3 listed in our support article here: How to Share Funnels and Websites with Your Client
- This includes:
Important Note: All of the other assets inside of your workflow ( that are not included in the list above ) will be cleared / removed from the cloned copy of the workflow, which will be added to your client's FG Funnels account.