Manually Fulfill Orders and Send Shipment Details to Your Customers
You will also be able to mark orders as fulfilled and share shipment/tracking details with your customers. By default, any order placed on the online store will be in an "unfulfilled" state, unless you update the product settings to mark it as a "digital product".
You will have the ability to attach a tracking number, shipping carrier, and tracking URL for the customer to be able to track the status of the shipment. When an order is marked as fulfilled, an entry related to the fulfillment will be included in the order details, highlighting the date on which the order was fulfilled, tracking details, and the number of items fulfilled in the order.
How to Manually Fulfill and Order
1) Go to Payments > Orders
Here is an example of what a unfulfilled or partially fulfilled order will look like:
2) Click on the 3 dots to the right of the orders, to view the order details.
3) Scroll down to the bottom and click on the "Fulfill Items" button.
4) You can enter the quantity of items being included in the shipment.
Please Note: Quantity can be adjusted to zero, if you are not including the item in this current shipment. The order will be labeled partially fulfilled.
5) Enter the tracking information ( Tracking Number, Shipping Carrier, and Tracking URL Link )
6) You can toggle ON or OFF the automated email notification to your customer.
Here is an example of what the email notification to the customer will look like:
Please Note: This email is not customizable at this time.
7) To print a packing slip for the shipment, click on the text that says "Print Packing Slips" at the bottom of the pop up.
8) Click save to update the order status to "fulfilled"
Fulfilled orders will look similar to this: