WhatsApp Pricing

You can integrate WhatsApp into your FG Funnels account for $29.99/month.

  • This cost includes free inbound messages.
  • Outbound messages are free when sent within 24 hours after receiving an inbound message.
  • This window extends with every inbound message you receive.

If you need to outreach, or it's been more than 24 hours since you received an inbound message but you would like to still respond, you will need to use a campaign/template message which is charged based on the campaign/template type and region you are sending it to.

Please see the table below for a breakdown of pricing across markets and campaign/template types:

Table of pricing breakdown for WhatsApp campaign/template messaging. This is also available as a .csv to download and view - you can find the link to this under Files to the right on desktop or below on mobile.