Action - Assign to User

The “Assign To User” workflow action is designed to simplify contact assignment within your workflows. It also has the added benefit of filling in user custom values within the workflow, so if you are using the {{}} or {{}} custom values, those will be filled in based on the Assign to User action.

In This Article:

What is the "Assign to User" Workflow Action

The “Assign To User” workflow action allows you to automatically assign contacts to one or more team members based on predefined criteria. It supports both single-user assignments and multi-user distribution using methods like round-robin or custom traffic splits.

If you are using for multi-user distribution, this action ensures balanced workload distribution, enhances tracking, and enables streamlined team collaboration. Whether you’re assigning leads, tickets, or tasks, this feature is designed to adapt to your specific workflow needs.

FG Funnels recommends using the Assign to User action in a workflow, as it allows you to use custom values for users in a workflow (such as {{}}) and have the correct custom value populate.

Adding "Assign To User" Action

Within a workflow, click the “+” icon to add a new action, and select “Assign To User.”

Add Assign to User Action

Configuring "Assign User" Workflow Action

Action Name

Provide a descriptive name for the action (e.g., “Assign to Julie”) so it’s easy to identify in the workflow and see who the action is assigning to.

Assign to user action name

Select the Users

Use the dropdown menu to choose one or more users for the task to be assigned.

  • Single User: All contacts are assigned to one user.

  • Multiple Users: When you select more than one user, the trigger automatically rotates between the designated users for each triggered event. For instance, if you choose Tom and Jane, the first trigger assigns the contact to Tom, the second trigger assigns to Jane, the third assigns to Tom again, and so on until all users have had contacts assigned to them.

Splitting Traffic to Assigned Users 

Splitting traffic to assigned users evenly or unevenly distributes tasks, contacts, or leads among selected users based on predefined rules.

Distributing Equally

By selecting "Equally" under the Split Traffic option, the traffic will be distributed evenly among all the users rotating each time the workflow is run, ensuring each user gets an equal number of assignees. This is enabled by default until you switch to the Unevenly option.

Split traffic evenly

Distributing Unevenly

Opting for the "Unevenly" option allows you to customize the traffic distribution ratio for each selected user. For instance, you could specify a ratio of 5:2, where User A receives five traffic and User B receives two traffic; therefore, User B will only receive traffic after User A has completed their fifth.

Split traffic unevely

Only Apply to Unassigned Contacts

If the "Only Apply To Unassigned Contacts" toggle is turned off, and the trigger fires for an already assigned contact, the new task will overwrite the previous one, and the contact will be assigned to the new user.

  • Enabled: Assign contacts only if they haven’t been assigned yet.

  • Disabled: Reassign contacts even if they are already assigned.

    Apply only to unassigned contacts

Save and Test

It is crucial to "Save" the workflow action at the bottom of the panel and save the workflow from the top right before exiting the page

Activate Workflow

Once you're confident that the workflow is complete and ready to perform as intended, you can enable the “Publish” toggle to activate it. Without enabling this toggle, the workflow will remain in draft mode, and the expected automation will not take place.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the “Assign to User” action in a workflow?

The “Assign to User” action allows you to automatically assign contacts to specific team members, ensuring efficient workload management and tracking.

It also allows for predictable population of user based custom values in workflows as any after will be populated with the assigned user information.

What happens if I select only one user in the “Assign to User” action?

If you choose one user, all contacts triggered by the workflow will be assigned to that user, and the assignment won’t rotate to other users.

Can I use the “Assign to User” action without turning on the “Only Apply to Unassigned Contacts” toggle?

Yes, but any previously assigned contact may be reassigned to a new user when the workflow trigger fires.

What is the difference between Round-Robin Assignment and Equally Split Traffic?

Round-Robin rotates assignments one at a time among users. Equally Split Traffic ensures users receive an equal number of assignments over time.