Using the Voicemail Feature

Part One: Where To Upload Voicemail Files

Step 1: Voicemail files (mp3 format) can be set in two different places:

  • For a specific user, navigate to Settings > Team Management > Edit on the right side of the user profile > Click on Call & Voicemail Settings > Upload mp3/wav file

    • If the contact is assigned to the user OR if the LC Phone / Twilio number is assigned to the user, when they call the LC Phone / Twilio number and user didn't pick up, The system will play the User voicemail here
  • Voicemail for the company, navigate to Settings > Business Profile > Scroll down to "Call & Voicemail Settings" > Upload mp3/wav file

    • When the contact calls the LC Phone / Twilio number that's not assigned to any users, and if the contact is also not assigned to any users, the system will play the Voicemail for the Business if no one picks up.

How does it work?

When contact calls the LC Phone / Twilio number, we will ring the forwarding number for 10 seconds based on the call timeout set, after 10 seconds, if no one picks up, the contact will hear the voicemail recording.

Make sure Call Recording is enabled:

Click on Reporting > Call Reporting > Scroll to the right and click on the arrow down button to expand each call

You can also click on the contact name to listen to the recordings in the Conversation page.

Where To Control Timeout Settings:

Timeout time frames can be set in three different places:

1) Settings > Team Management > Edit (on the right side of the user profile) > Call & Voicemail Settings

2) Settings > Phone Numbers > Click on the Pencil Icon for the Phone Number you are wanting to set this up for.

3) Settings > Business Profile

Understanding Priorities For Voicemail Files:

When a call comes into your LC Phone / Twilio phone number, it will ring for 60 seconds by default before looking for a voicemail to play unless a Timeout number has been set. The system will check for a voicemail to play in the following order:

  1. Is a Timeout timeframe set up in the user settings of the user who uses this phone number? (option 1 above)
  2. Is a Timeout timeframe set up directly in the phone number settings of this phone number? (option 2 above)
  3. Is there a Timeout timeframe  set up in the Business Profile settings? (option 3 above)

NOTES: If you'd like to set up voicemail for a phone number that forwards to another number, you need to set a "Timeout" timeframe, otherwise the call will ring by default for 60 seconds, during which time the voicemail of the forwarding number will trigger.

If a call comes in to a phone number and a Timeout timeframe is found, but there is no voicemail file in , the following default message will be played: "We are unable to take your call right now. Please leave a message after the beep."

Also, Timeout numbers are not "connected" with any particular voicemail file, so if, for example, a call comes in to your number and the platform detects a timeout timeframe set in the User profile settings, but you don’t have a voicemail file, however, the system recognizes a voicemail file in the business profile settings, the system will play the voicemail file from the Business Profile settings after the number of seconds set in the Timeout field in the User's profile settings.