How to Create a Double Opt-In

Below are Two Options for creating a Double Opt-in in FG Funnels.

1) How to Setup the Double Opt-in Trigger by Any Form Submission: 

1. Create two tags
    1. "subscriber" tag 
    2. "confirmed subscriber" ( or "double opted-in") tag

  1. Create two confirmation pages inside your lead/double opt-in funnel. 
    1. Confirmation page 1 - to confirm the contact has submitted the form and let them know to check their email to complete signing up process.
    2. Confirmation Page 2 - to land on after they click the opt-in confirmation link in the email, which thanks them for confirming/joining your email newsletter list.

  1. Set up a new trigger link [  Marketing ( on left side menu ) > Trigger Links ( at the top ) ] with the URL link to the second confirmation page, which they will land on after double opting in. You could call the trigger link " Confirmed Subscriber" trigger link, or something else which make sense to you.

  1. Create a new workflow using the "Trigger Link Clicked" workflow trigger. On this workflow trigger, set a filter for the "Confirmed Subscriber" trigger link.

  1. This workflow only needs one action step, a "Add Contact Tag" action step. Set this step to apply the "confirmed subscriber" ( or "double opted-in" ) tag.

  1. Create a second new workflow for which any "form submission" is the trigger. ( you would do this by adding the "Form Submitted" workflow trigger, but not adding a filter. )

  1. Add an "Assign to user" action step, so you can assign them to you.

  1. Add an action step to apply the "subscriber" tag

  1. Add an email action, which sends an email asking the contact to confirm their opt-in
    1. This email will need to include include the trigger link you created in step #3 above, so when the contact clicks the confirmation button/link they will automatically tagged as a "confirmed subscriber"
    2. You can add the trigger link by using the Trigger Link variable dropdown above the email content.
    3. Also add your user signature variable to the email.

  1. Add a wait, which waits for the trigger link to be clicked. Once the contact clicks the double opt-in link in the confirmation email, they will proceed through the rest of the workflow.

  1. Add a "Add Contact Tag" action step to the workflow. The tag you set here will be added to the contact record after the contact has double opted-in, so use " double opted-in " - OR - " confirmed subscriber " [ the second tag you created in step #1 above] ).

  1. Add an action to send an email to the contact confirming their opt-in

  1. [Optional] If you have created a welcome sequence, you can also go into your "New Subscriber Welcome Sequence" workflow ( you may have named it something else ), and change the trigger from "lead form submitted" to "contact tag added" and specify the double opt-in tag you created in step 1. ( so the contact won't receive the welcome sequence unless they double opt-in )

  1. Click on the " Settings" tab at the top of the workflow

  1. Toggle OFF "Allow re-entry" in the workflow settings, so that people only go though the workflow once.

2) How to Setup the Double Opt-in for Specific Lead Magnet:

1. Create two tags
      1. "subscriber" tag 
      2. [ lead magnet name ] :: double opted-in ( It is often best to use product-specific tags )

  1. Create two confirmation pages inside your lead funnel.
    1. Confirmation Page #1 : to confirm they have submitted the form and let them know to check their email to complete signing up.
    2. Confirmation Page #2 : to land on after they click the opt-in confirmation link in the confirmation email that you send them. This will let them know the download ( freebie, whatever they opted-in for ) is now on its way to their inbox.

  1. Set up a new trigger link [ Marketing ( on left side menu ) > Trigger Links ( at the top ) ] with the URL link to the second confirmation page, which they will land on after double opting in. You could call the trigger link "Confirmed Subscriber" trigger link, or something else which make sense to you.

  1. Create a new workflow using the "Trigger Link Clicked" workflow trigger. On this workflow trigger, set a filter for the "Confirmed Subscriber" trigger link.

  1. This workflow only needs one action step, a "Add Contact Tag" action step. Set this step to apply the [ lead magnet name ] :: double opted-in tag.

  1. Go into your " Lead Magnet fulfillment" workflow

  1. At the top of this workflow add a new email action that gets sent to ask them to confirm their opt-in. 
    1. This email will need to include include the trigger link you created in step #2 above, so when the contact clicks the confirmation button/link they will automatically tagged as a "confirmed subscriber"
    2. You can add the trigger link by using the Trigger Link variable dropdown above the email content.
    3. Also add your user signature variable to the email.

  1. Add a wait step, which waits for the trigger link to be clicked.
    1. Once the contact clicks the double opt-in link in the confirmation email, they will proceed through the rest of the workflow.

  1. Add an action to " Add Contact Tag" and set a tag there that will be added after the contact has double opted-in. It is often best to use product-specific tags ( ex. " [lead magnet name] :: double opted-in" ).