Setting Up Twilio For Your Account

Twilio is another phone option that integrates with FG Funnels. When you choose to use Twilio, you will have your own Twilio account and pay Twilio directly.

Setting Up Twilio

  1. Go to and click Start for Free.
  2. Enter your name, email, a password, review terms and conditions, accept if you accept Twilio's terms and conditions and click continue.
  3. Check your email for a verification email and verify your email.
  4. Verify your phone number with a verification code SMS.
  5. Answer the personalization questions from Twilio.
  6. Click Upgrade in the top bar in order to upgrade your account and set up a recurring charge. Fill out address, tax exempt status and fund your account. The suggested amount is $20 and enable auto charge so that you always have money in your account and your sending is not interrupted.
  7. Click on Account in the top right hand corner, then click Trust Hub -> Overview.
  8. Choose "Create Primary Business Profile"
  9. Fill out your business profile based on the information for your business registered with the IRS.
    1. If you are not an agency and not planning on re-selling Twilio (most FG Funnels users are not), choose Direct Customer under Business Identity.
    2. For Business Regions of Operations, choose any region where you do business.
  10. Go back to Trust Hub -> Overview and click on Go to A2P Messaging. Complete the A2P registration process following the Twilio Trust Hub article.

As of September 2023, you MUST register your phone number under A2P 10DLC or else your messages won't send. The Twilio Trust Hub lesson walks you through the whole process of registering for A2P 10DLC.