How to Add a Domain and Verify DNS Record for Your Dedicated Email Sending Subdomain

This article is specifically about adding the given records from LC Mail to your DNS manager. A full walkthrough of the whole dedicated sending domain process is in the article: How to Set Up a Dedicated Sending Domain (LC Email)

In this article:

Add Your Domain

Follow the instructions in this article to add your domain: How to Set Up a Dedicated Sending Domain (LC Email) up to step 7.

Verify Your Domain

FG Funnels provides two options for adding your records and verifying your domain: Connect through your DNS provider or Set up manually.

Option 1: Connect Your Domain with Auto Configure DNS

  • This is the easiest method to verify and authenticate your domain. It uses our built-in connection with many top DNS providers to automatically set up DNS records. This way, you can verify and authenticate your domain in just one simple process.
  • Click “Continue” on the next modal.

    Connect Your domain popup

  • Our system will detect your DNS provider and then guide you directly to their platform.

The "Configure Domain" option may not be compatible with all DNS providers. If FG Funnels is unable to identify or connect to your provider, the records will be shown in a modal window for you to add yourself. Option 2: Set Up Manually will help you through this process.

  • The example below shows the DNS provider is Cloudflare. To move forward, you will need to have the credentials to log into your DNS provider. Click “Authorize domain” on the next modal.

    Your domain provider is box with authorize

  • Login to your DNS provider. This will look slightly different for each provider. This example is Cloudflare. The login method will also be slightly different for each DNS provider. The DNS provider in question may ask you to enter a confirmation code emailed or texted to you. Click “Authorize” on the Cloudflare page.

    Authorize DNS records page in Cloudflare

  • You will redirected to the domain verification page in FG Funnels.

Note: It can take anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes for these DNS changes to spread across the internet. Typically, it happens faster but don't worry if it doesn't happen right away.

DMARC: If you've already added a DMARC policy to your root domain, you can skip adding the DMARC record for the subdomain.

  • If everything is set right you’ll see a Verified status like this:

Subdomain records showing verified

Option 2: Set Up Manually

  • Once you've added the domain, if our system couldn't identify your provider, the records will be displayed for you to see.
  • Add the records given to you by FG Funnels to your DNS manager and save them.
  • Most DNS providers will typically require the following information to set up your DNS records:

Root domain example:

Choose the for each row: TXT, CNAME and MX
Name or Hostname

Copy and paste the "Name" for each DNS record as follows: Use "@" if your DNS was not verified. Remove the "@" and add your root domain name instead.

Example: if your domain name is "", replace "@" with "".

Value or Record
Copy and paste the “Value” shown for each DNS record.
5 minutes

Sub-domain example:

Choose the for each row: TXT, CNAME and MX
Name or Hostname

Copy and paste the "Name" for each DNS record.

Example: If the hostname is, you may just have to enter the subdomain, which would be "mail". If it's not verified, add the full name like

Value or Record
Copy and paste the “Value” shown for each DNS record.
5 minutes

  • Once your records are added, click the Verify Domain button in FG Funnels. You will be redirected to the Dedicated Domain page where you can see the active status.
  • If everything is set right you’ll see a Verified status like this:

Verified Records

Note: After your domain is verified, issuing the SSL certificate may take between 1 to 10 minutes. Usually, it happens faster, but don't worry if it doesn't happen immediately.

SSL Issued Banner